| "Leaders are not chosen, they are called". I am so excited about this movie after watching it! It was superbly acted with a very intelligent script. It was inspired by a true story. If you listen to the 'special features' after the movie, you will hear from Rev. Dr. Charles Mark (the real character known in the movie as Richard Kelly) and the script actually follows his story quite closely! I found him to be an articulate Christian. It is quite evident that the Holy Spirit is working within him, as the film indicates. God has gifted him with profound spiritual wisdom. In the interview he said: "Rebellion" is my will being acted out in my own way toward my own ends, but surrender puts me in the proper context. Surrender should not be viewed as yielding or giving in, but as strength to do what needs to be done.
The story of Richard Kelly is played by Cedric Sanders. Richard was arrested in the 1965 Watts riots. To avoid jail time, he was put on probation with the condition of attending an all-white seminary, where he was the only black man. The president of the school, Alan Beckett (played by William Devane) initially encourages him to become a leader among the students, but then later withdraws his support. A former missionary, Kate Allison (played by Lauren Holly) also rejects him at first, but later sees him in a different light. He gets through many of his trials with the help of Samuel Benton, "the gardener in the basement", played by Louis Gossett Jr. Samuel says "The Lord has entrusted me the care of this place, so I won't let anyone defile it." (Jeremiah 2:7:"I brought you into a bountiful country, to eat its fruit and its goodness. But when you entered, you defiled My land and made My heritage an abomination".NKJV The gardener and his wife nourish and strengthen Richard and give him a sense of a loving family. He then can make his finally decision between his own dreams and that of God's calling for him.
Isaiah 43:19: "Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness. And rivers in the desert." NKJV
This one, in my opinion is definitely worth purchasing for my dvd library! If you are looking for this in your video store it may have a different jacket cover on the dvd. There were two different ones made. Some of these dvd's, I am able to find in one video store, but not another. This one for example, I found in Roger's Video store, but not at Blockbusters.
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for some violence, thematic elements and brief drug material.

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