Sunday, September 19, 2010


This is one of the "nice" movies in this day and age, being rated PG, but basically a clean movie. Some selective bed scenes (before marriage) and some language. It is a romantic comedy: a light movie , but what I expected and what I felt like at the time. It was enjoyable and did have a message.

Leslie Wright,  played by Queen Latifah, is a straight up physical therapist who knows a lot about the NBA.  She is also very good at what she does.
In her private life most fellas she meets only want to hook-up with her on a friendship, 'buddy' level. She wants more and then meets the man of her dreams, basketball all-star, Scott McKnight (played by Common).
Unfortunately, he meets her attractive childhood friend, Morgan (Paula Patton) at the same time. Morgan wants nothing else but to be a rich trophy wife of one of the  players. Scott then has a career altering injury and the only one that really can help him is Leslie Wright.

Leslie Wright stays true to herself all the way through. She knows her gifts and follows her dreams with grace. If I had written this script I would have shown where that grace and her gifts came from. (Psalm 139:14:"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." NKJV)  Of course I wouldn't have shown sex before marriage, even if it was an implied sex scene, but that's Hollywood.

I really found it refreshing, to find the Leslie Wright character (Queen Latifah) as a full figured woman in this romantic comedy.  She held her own with confidence and compassion and with an honest heart. Her role in this movie is the romantic lead. You don't see full figured woman that often in this type of role in today's movies. From her  book (also in audio cd), called: "Put on Your Crown", she holds her own in real life the same way, with the strength and grace from God. She is beautiful inside and out and I am definitely a fan.

Philippians 4:13:"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." NKJV

MPAA:  Rated PG for some suggestive material and brief language.

My Rating

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I dropped by the video store the other day and picked up "To Save a Life", the movie.  It never ceases to amaze me how "I" seem to find a Christian movie out of all of the selections!  Someone once said, "It's not odd it's God."  I feel this is the case:  It's "Him, not me".  I would actually like all the Christians movies to be in one section and the mention of Jesus in every one of them, but that would just be for me and other Christians and not for others who might happen upon "Him" through a movie.  I do believe God can direct them to Himself, if the movie is done in a very "real" way, as it is in this movie.

"To Save a Life" is an inspirational teen movie. Although persons of any ages could receive the message of "making a difference" in their own lives as well as others.

Jake Taylor is a high school jock, who is living "The dream".  After his childhood friend dies, he is moved to change his life as well as others by sacrificing his own dreams. (See:John 15:13 NKJV: "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.")  This is shown in the movie without quoting the scripture and that is why I think it will reach more people and could turn them to faith.  Keeping in mind of course, it is God that draws them.

Although the movie is somewhat lengthy (2 hours) it covers many of the current problems in teens today and allows God to be the solution.  You can make a difference and He can take you through it.  Judgment of others is a current theme. (See Matthew 7:1-5 NKJV: " Judge not, that you be not judged,".....)

Poignant line from this movie:  "Scars are supposed to heal, you know."

I have rated this movie 4 out of 5 stars, because of the wide coverage of topics it touches.

MPAA: This movie is rated PG-13 for mature thematic elements involving teen drinking, teen suicide, some drug content, disturbing images and sexuality.  Music themes are applicable and appropriate.

My Rating